We don't have a snowcam on top of Mt Donna Buang (summit 1250m) - and use resources like Britannia Creek Weather Station for local weather (Yarra Junction - 15 mins from Warburton). This page answers most FAQs.
Summer 2025 check road closures or emergency fire info links Please always be careful, patient and kind on the mountain. Check our local resources below to help you find the snow on Mt Donna. The snow forecast link below has proved very accurate over the 10 years we have been monitoring and adds accuracy to local reports especially if no one has yet been up the mountain. Also see our driving in snow tips below.
Check for road open advice. Use our Facebook page to post your pics if you have any from the valley looking up at the mountain, or when access is safe you have pictures from Mt Donna. Use the 12 local resources below and top FAQs on this page for access and our general notes for driving in snow. Stay safe and enjoy.
Warburton snow page for local sources of information, toboggan sales, gloves since 2009. It is always dangerous to drive in freshly fallen snow if not properly prepared. Enthusiastic snow promotion should always make way for sensible, and conservative safety advice on the mountain. Until road conditions are advised safe and accessible on any given day, we suggest monitor all local sources for information (see below). Note conditions and °C can change quickly on a mountain, so thanks everyone for posting on WarburtonInfo Facebook which helps spread the word. Keep an eye out on all sources for information. DRIVE SAFE (see diving tips below). Road clearing? Chains? Cost? Driving tips? Dogs? Don Road to Mt Donna Buang closed? See this info below under FAQs.
In winter we broadcast here the little 'tweet tweets' from the snow birds. As we always say 'please all drivers exercise caution, and patience, when driving in snow conditions. New visitors to the mountain or first time visitors in snow take extra care'. Always watch out for icy and slippery spots on the road. See and share pictures on our WarburtonInfo Facebook of current conditions.
Chains? See DRIVE SAFE AND SLOW IN THE SNOW info below on this page. There is no 100% advice regarding chains that will apply to all conditions, all vehicles, all drivers. Vehicle owners and drivers will always need to make a judgement about their vehicle and conditions. Remember snow needs cold and wet - and cold and wet on the summit. Check Snowforecast.com alerts for Mt Donna Buang. It's what everyone does and is a remarkably good indicator of snow. If no one has been up the mountain for a visual sighting everyone is playing guess work, and using same links and tools we network here. Help us help you and others. If you see snow post on WarburtonInfo Facebook. Most seasons on Mt Donna see this page have 200 000+ visits in just a couple of months. BIG THANKS to everyone for sharing picture posts and updates
Be patient and considerate to other drivers.
Warburtoninfo.com was the first to start online snow reporting from Mt Donna in 2009.
Here are the top 12 most useful links and answers we have found. More FAQs and driving tips further below.
Half way up Mt Donna the rainforest gallery is a simple stop and walk out on the viewing platform - or a short 200-300m walk around a truly living rainforest. At the very top - the tower at the summit delivers awesome views.
Add that to a stroll around the Yarra River in Warburton or one of the other things to do - and have a nice day out with friends and family.
How to get to Mt Donna Buang? Drive to Warburton on the Warburton Highway, stay on the Warburton highway through Warburton, go past the service station and IGA, past the Seventh Day Adventist Church, over a small bridge and head left at the Warburton Motel sign up the C507 Donna Buang Road. (Within 100m you'll see Yuonga Rd on the left - go past this - just stay on Donna Buang Road).
'How to drive in snow'? A key component is 'maintain a slow, steady, even driving speed and aim to be as smooth as possible when braking, on corners, or when accelerating and braking. More tips here
There is no chains hire available in Warburton or on the mountain - these are usually not needed once the road is graded but conditions can change quickly on the mountain. If you have chains bring them - if you don't - check local conditions before heading up and also drive to conditions.
Weather permitting, Mt Donna Buang is a great day trip and good for a drive up the mountain to the Rainforest Gallery nature walk and viewing platform, which is almost exactly half way up Mt Donna.
How do we get our info?
We don't have a snow cam and rely on people up the mountain and visitor reporting. Yes, it's a bit old school, but it's also a bit magical and that old fashioned 'seek and ye shall find' approach. So between yours truly (WarbyInfo editor) on this page, his wife doing volunteer admin on the Warby Info Facebook page, Parks VIC, other local and online resources and people like you - we try and assemble the best info we can - without having to run up the mountain every 5 mins :)
T&Cs of this page.
Every effort is made to network best information on this page, but Warburtoninfo.com endorses no single course of action, or suggests that you rely upon any provider of information with regards access to, or use of, information about the mountain. All users of Mt Donna Buang must take reasonable care, and responsibility for their actions on the mountain. No responsibility may be implicated upon Warburtoninfo.com for any consequence of relying on any information on this page, which is delivered and published for free public access and assembled from freely available, and user generated, information.
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